The Florida Hospital offers a well designed health screening package that is affordable and easily accessible. All you have to do is pick up the phone, inquire where the mobile site will be next and make an appointment. There is a blood test involved so you will have to fast.
They have mobile health fair screening sites throughout Central Florida which affords accessibility for you. Remember, all these tests are screenings only. Should anything come back questionable, you make an appointment with your doctor so he/she may review the results and possibly order additional testing for diagnostic purposes. Either way, send the results to your doctor so they may be added to your file.
The cardiovascular screenings include; echocardiogram, electro cardiogram, arteriosclerosis screening, carotid artery, peripheral artery and abdominal aortic screening. The blood test is a complete metabolic and lipid panel screening.
These screenings are an ideal way to learn about the overall health of your heart, vasculature system, kidneys and liver. Please take the time and make an appointment. You never know. You my discover an issue that requires immediate medical attention. Afterall, heart disease is called the "Silent Killer".
For more information visit:
Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN