Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Need for Life Insurance

On a personal note. I was a 16 year old nurse's aid employed in a nursing home when I experienced death for the first time. I was caring for a terminally ill patient in her end of life stages when she took her last breath. I remember standing there feeling helpless. "what can I do to help her?" Nothing. Throughout my years of health care experiences and personal experiences of losing family members, friends and acquaintances, I appreciate the fragility of life and life is never taken for granted. 

 I recently attended a funeral. I overheard family talking about "bills" and "debt". Meanwhile, the deceased is only 30 feet away lying in his casket. Unfortunately this family is robbed from going through the mourning process in a healthy manner. 

The survivors left behind must go on living their life remembering the life of those gone. There is an emotionally draining transition from the immediate loss of life until time softens the pain. When there is a financial loss due to the death, the transition for the survivors is much more complicated and traumatic.

Wondering how to pay their next bill, buy food, medication, pay for everyday life's necessities quickly takes priority over mourning. This family was left in a dire financial situation that could of easily been avoided by having life insurance in place.

Taking care of  family for years to come after death, is one of the better gifts one could ever provide. Having a life insurance policy in force is a selfless act of love. My condolences to the family.

Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN, inc.