Saturday, December 5, 2015

Holiday Spending

This is the time of year people have a tendency to overspend and focus on items that are eventually outgrown or become bored with. Some items are returned or stored somewhere in the house never to be seen again. No use for it, don't like it or just don't want it and not even worth the time it takes for a store return. If you are living pay check to pay check, it would be to your benefit to spend wisely.

Once the holidays are over, take a moment to count the money you spent on the spirited holiday season. How much money did you spend or family spend on you? Really, is it the gifts that make the season? Is it who can out do each other in quantity or cost? Keep your spending in check and don't allow the demands of family and friends break your budget.

This is the time of year to evaluate your financial health particularly financial stability. If you truly want to give the gift that keeps on giving, take a good look at your financial health and see where improvements can be made. Do you have a life insurance policy in place or a catastrophic plan? If you really want to outdo your neighbor or friends, buy your family financial stability.

The new "it" gift is financial security and peace of mind. Look into purchasing a life insurance policy or a growth and income annuity for your children, grand-children, niece, nephew. By doing so, you are enabling a financial head start and securing low monthly premiums. A whole life policy will earn interest and cash value. A term life policy on yourself is a sound way to transfer money upon your death tax free. You work hard for your money, make your money work hard for you.  

Celebrating the holidays is fun and exciting but you don't have feel the pinch in your finances. Be practical in spending. Gift giving is a nice gesture, but financial peace of mind is nicer. 

Happy Holidays,

Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Monday, November 16, 2015

Everyone can afford life insurance

If you are many working families, single mothers or single persons who live pay check to pay check, you can afford life insurance. You are the image of life insurance. If you are pinched for money now imagine what will happen to your family or estate if you have no financial protection at all on anything.

Unfortunately talking yourself out of estate planning does not pay the bills or cover death related expenses. Talking yourself into reasons why you cannot afford life insurance does nothing beneficial. Excuses places yourself and family in financial jeopardy. This is not a reality to be in. A financial crisis will occur. Carving life insurance premiums into your monthly budget is not a chore its a necessity.

Reasons for financial planning:

Reason #1
To pay bills. Most importantly, mortgage. This alone is a pertinent reason to have life insurance. This major bill will be paid off and not left to your survivors to deal with. Have no mortgage? A life policy is still a solid investment to pass on to your survivors tax free. The proceeds may be used how ever the situation calls for.

Reason #2
Young, fit and healthy? This is the best time to buy life insurance. Your premium will be affordable and if you take out a policy that allows you to keep the same premium until the age of 65, you will have considerable savings... the earlier you start, the better. When you develop health issues later on in life, it doesn't matter, because you already have the policy in force.

Reason #3
Are you married? Do you have a domestic partner? If you parish and leave no/not enough money behind to help cover bills and death related expenses, the potential of personal bankruptcy looms over the survivors. Do you want to put those financially dependent on you through added financial stress on top of the emotional turmoil caused by your death?

Reason #4
Peace of mind. If you develop a terminal illness, your life insurance will pay out a lump sum upon confirmation of a terminal diagnosis from your treating physician. You will have the money to help get your affairs in order.

Having life insurance in force ensures there is a financial plan in place for those left behind. The premiums of life insurance are small and affordable to anyone's budget. Remember it is important for you to discuss options with your agent and decide on a type of policy:  universal or term that fits your individual needs.

Be pro-active and discuss your wishes with the beneficiary(s). He/she needs to know what your last wishes are and where your life policies are kept. This is not a taboo subject nor is it a subject to be ignored or taken lightly.

Think ahead because the inevitable will be here if your ready or not.

Forward thinking pays big rewards!

 Good health,

Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Friday, September 25, 2015

Americans and Emergency Savings

Which category are you?

  • 29%  NO savings
  • 22%  6 months of savings
  • 21%  Less than 6 months of savings
  • 15% 3-5 months of savings
  • 13% Didn't know/declined to answer
Does the savings you have offer any significant impact on helping a financial crisis?

By failing to adequately prepare you are preparing to fail.

Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Cost of life insurance

The true cost of life insurance. 3 out of 4 people believe they have a good understanding of life insurance. But do they really? When asked specific questions of life insurance they don't understand the different types of life insurance, how it works and the benefits that come along with it.  When it comes to cost, ideas are all over the board. People throw numbers around and they have no idea how they came up with that number. That "number just sounds right" to them.

Fortunately, business does not work that way. There would be no thought, no structure, no logistics, no analysis, no statistical means on conducting business. It would just be, "well that number sounds good so lets use that one." Doesn't make any sense does it? Businesses would collapse and households bankrupt without any true mathematical sequence used to generate a number. Math is incorporated into every life.

When asked how much a yearly premium would be for a 20 year level term policy with a face value of $250,000 the answers were all guessed. It was obvious people did not understand the question and numbers shouted out reflected their lack of understanding of life insurance.

Annual premiums on life insurance is much less expensive than you think. The value added benefit of having life insurance far outweighs any monthly bill you have. Cost of life insurance is less than your cable bill, less than your phone bill, grocery bill. etc. One vacation could pay for many years of insurance premium. 

In summation, before you say no or render an opinion on something you know nothing about, do due diligence and take the time to learn about how insurance can prevent financial ruin. 
Learn more at

The more you know,

Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Kidney disease and general immunity

 First you need to know what the kidneys do. They:

-regulate blood pressure through the renin angiotensin aldosterone system 
-regulate phosphorus, potassium, chloride, sodium and calcium in the blood
-clean your blood by filtering waste products.
-stimulate red blood cell production
-control water balance

The kidney is a complex organ that works in synergy with the heart and vascular system, urinary system, the skeletal system and many other body systems. The kidneys go far beyond filtering waste from the blood. The kidneys also work in conjunction with your general immune system. When your kidneys are in a compromised state they are unable to function the way they are designed. Hence, your overall health is effected. Including your skin.

Kidney failure is a progressive process. Once it starts, there is no stopping it. Upon diagnosis your physician will discuss with you options to delay the progression. Nutrition plays a big role.

Those with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are most at risk for skin cancer. Reasons not limited to:  Medication related. Some medications cause skin sensitivity to the sun thereby increasing sun burn risk. Vitamin D is activated in the kidney. Those with kidney failure are unable to convert vitamin D to its active form which make getting vitamin D through their diet a challenge. CKD decreases the "sun vitamin" Vitamin D. Since sun exposure stimulates Vitamin D production, talk with your physician about getting the right amount of daily sun exposure.

With the immune system compromised, there is an increased risk of infection. CKD causes chronic systemic inflammation. The presence of inflammatory cells alone cause a wide variety of health problems. CKD contributes to patient mortality and morbidity.

It is critical you see your physician regularly and follow his/her advice. If you choose to seek alternative therapies do due diligence and learn all you can before starting any holistic treatment
regimen. As always you want to discuss this with your doctor.

Good health,

Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Thursday, July 23, 2015


Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. It causes deterioration of the joint cartilage and formation of reactive new bone at the margins of the joint i.e. osteophytes.  This chronic degeneration of cartilage breakdown mostly affects fingers, knees and hips. Herberden and Bouchard's nodes are typically seen in the distal and proximal finger joints.

Initially the nodes may be red, swollen and painful. Eventually they become painless but are associated with limited joint mobility. The earliest symptoms occurs in middle age and progresses with advancing age. Depending on the site and severity of joint involvement, disability can range from minor limitation to near immobility.

Signs and Symptoms:

Contractures: loss of muscle function at the joint
Deep, aching joint pain
Gait abnormalities: when hips or knees are affected
Joint instability, swelling, tender and warm
Limited and painful joint movement
Predisposing event such as traumatic injury
Joint stiffness

What you can do to treat and slow progression of osteoarthritis.

The human body is meant to move. You must perform as much self-care as your limitations will allow. Not moving the joints around will quickly lead to contractures. Contractures are irreversible unless you have surgery. You must identify techniques which allow you to perform as much activities as you can in addition to promoting adequate rest. Massages, laser therapy and purposeful exercise are ways to reduce muscle spasms and atrophy to the joints.

If you suffer from knee or hip arthritis and are overweight, weight reduction needs to be at the top of your list. Your knees and hips take all the pounding of walking. Additionally your knees and hips take the full force applied while standing. If you don't lose the excess weight, any treatment plan your on will not be successful and your discomfort levels will continue.

Take prescribed medication as directed by your physician. The usual medicinal treatments are
NSAIDs, narcotics, and/or O-T-C  medication such as Cosamin DS will aid in decreasing joint pain and inflammation.

As always, please discuss with your physician before adding any O-T-C medication to your daily regimen.

Good health,

Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Smokers beware

Don't worry, this is not another why smoking is bad lecture. Smoking is a choice. You can smoke until your blood vessels and respiratory system sclerose.

This article is about a recent smoking cessation ad I saw claiming laser treatments will help you stop smoking. The laser used is Cold Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT for short). The claim is utilizing laser light beams instead of needles in an acupuncture-like treatment to stimulate cellular activity and block messages i.e. smoke cravings.

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese therapy using fine needles inserted through the skin at specific points in the body. Acupuncture is used with the aim of reducing the withdrawal symptoms people experience when they try to quit smoking.

Unfortunately, the existing evidence does not support the effectiveness of either of these treatments.
There is no consistent, science based evidence that acupuncture, acupressure, laser therapy or electrostimulation are effective for smoking cessation.

St George’s Hospital Medical School in London, UK, conducted a  mini-evaluation of a local laser therapy clinic claiming to help people quit smoking. The above techniques including laser treatments were proven ineffective for long term benefits. The short term benefit was a decrease in cravings but no smoking cessation. The desire to smoke remained.

What was learned at the end of the study was those wanting to quite smoking should re-direct their finances on more useful resources that demonstrated proven tract records of long term success such as counseling by a trained clinician and or FDA regulated smoking cessation products.

The internet is flooded with LLLT for smoking cessation. This does not mean the short descriptions your reading of LLLT for smoking cessation is science based truth. Do due diligence and don't allow yourself to get caught up in costly alternative ways to quit smoking.

LLLT may be effective in conjunction with, in addition to, along with other smoking cessation therapies.

There is no hard evidence, no FDA approved smoking cessation laser, no FDA scientific study to back up laser treatments alone help people quit smoking. Lack of evidence and methodological problems means no firm conclusions may be drawn. These interventions alone are likely to be less effective than proven evidence-based interventions.

If you decide to try LLLT for smoking cessation, here a few starter questions to keep in mind:

How many people has the individual treated for smoking cessation? Average cost, how many treatments, length of treatments? Cost of follow-up treatments? What other treatment modalities are used in conjunction with LLLT?  What is your long term success rate - more than 1 year smoking cessation success rate? Short term success rate?

Good health,

Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Why life insurance is a must have

Some information is worth repeating.

So, why have life insurance? 

Reason #1
To pay bills. Most importantly, mortgage. This alone is a pertinent reason to have life insurance. This major bill will be paid off and not left to your survivors to deal with. Have no mortgage? A life policy is still a solid investment to pass on to your survivors tax free. The proceeds may be used how ever the situation calls for.

Reason #2
Young, fit and healthy? This is the best time to buy life insurance. Your premium will be affordable and if you take out a policy that allows you to keep the same premium until the age of 65, you will have considerable savings... the earlier you start, the better. When you develop health issues later on in life, it doesn't matter, because you already have the policy in force. Forward thinking!

Reason #3
Are you married? Do you have a domestic partner? If you parish and leave no/not enough money behind to help cover bills and death related expenses, the potential of personal bankruptcy looms over the survivors. Do you want to put those financially dependent on you though added financial stress on top of the emotional turmoil caused by your death?

Reason #4
Peace of mind. If you develop a terminal illness, your life insurance will pay out a lump sum upon confirmation of a terminal diagnosis from your treating physician. You will have the money to help get your affairs in order.

Having life insurance in force ensures there is a financial plan in place for those left behind. The premiums of life insurance are small and affordable to anyone's budget. Remember, it is important for you to discuss options with your agent and decide on a type of policy:  universal or term that fits your individual needs.

Be pro-active and discuss your wishes with the beneficiary(s). He/she needs to know what your last wishes are and where your life policies are kept. This is not a taboo subject nor is it a subject to be ignored or taken lightly.

Think ahead because the inevitable will be here if your ready or not.

Good health,

Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

"No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another."
                  -----Charles Dickens 

Live your life to give. By helping your self your helping others.


HIPAA~ Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. This act establishes privacy and security standards to protect a patient's health care information. HIPAA was passed by Congress in 1996. The act includes rules covering administrative simplification by making health care delivery more efficient. Portability of medical coverage for preexisting conditions was a key provision of the act as was defining the underwriting process for group medical coverage. Another key area was standardizing the electronic transmission of billing and claims information.

HIPAA privacy regulations require that access to patient information be limited to only those authorized and that only information necessary for a task be available to them. Personal health information must be protected and kept confidential. HIPAA provides for uniformity of rules and regulations on consumer control over health information, ensuring patients understand their privacy rights, ensuring patient's rights to access their medical records and request amendments in response to information they perceive as inaccurate. Failure to comply with HIPAA can result in civil and criminal penalties.

HIPAA now provides for universal access by a patient to review and copy his/her own medical record. So, the next time you go to your physician's office and your given several papers to fill out and sign, one of the papers is the HIPAA form. If your like the many, many people who have never fully read through the HIPAA form and only signed, now you know and have been fully informed.

Invest in you health,

Trisha M. Pacenti RN, BSN

Friday, April 24, 2015


 Polypharmacy is when a patient uses several medications from several classes of medications than is clinically warranted. These drugs can be over-the-counter and prescribed by a physician. Patients who have more than one doctor and use more than one pharmacy are at risk of overusing multiple drugs.

Additionally, individuals who "take matters in their own hands", take a mixture of over-the-counter medications that are not FDA approved for the claims the drug manufacturers are making. The dangers of  polypharmacy are drug to drug adverse reaction and you may be creating a health issue that wasn't there prior to use of all these drugs.

If you are seeing multiple physicians write down a list of your current medications and bring this list with you to all doctor appointments so he may be informed as to what you are taking. If you want to self-prescribe, notify the person who has medical training and has earned the credentials MD or DO after his name as to the cocktail of over-the-counter medications you are thinking about taking for whichever ailment you self-diagnosed.

Be drug responsible. Here is something for you to ponder: Medicine is the art of entertainment while nature takes its course.

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN, BSN

Friday, April 3, 2015

Why should you care?

If you don't care and complain, then why should the person your complaining to care? If you don't care, then why are you complaining? The fact your complaining should tell you that you do care and the very thing or situation your complaining about is bothersome to you. Cease the complaining be pro-active and figure out a solution. Put the plan in motion and start your way to positive changes. Leave the negativity buried.

Let me make this relative to you. There are people who don't care about a lot of things. They should but they don't. The people who share this same way of thinking or lack there of are non- productive and self- destructive. Such a waste because no one benefits from this
frame of mind. The only person your fooling is yourself.

I write this article because of the amount of "I don't care (s)" I hear from people during life insurance conversations. Why don't they care?

What that translates to is; I don't care who pays the bill because I'll be dead. I don't care what my family decides because I'll be dead. I don't care where they get the money because I won't be here. I don't care about the money because someone else will pay for it. I don't have to pay for anything because the government will take care of it.

Really? Is this the legacy you wish to leave behind? Do you wish a financial crisis on your family? Do you want your family facing potential financial difficulties? Do you want your family to make last minute decisions because you don't want to take the time to plan? Do you want to be a burden?

Why should you care? Why should anyone care? Why should I care?

Because it's human.

Take time to care. Be responsible.

Trisha M. Pacenti RN, BSN

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Value added life insurance

Final expense life insurance is designed for a specific need. The face value of a life insurance policy is paid to the policyholder's beneficiary at the time of death. In most cases, the money is received by the beneficiary on a tax-free basis and no additional fees need to be paid. The beneficiary can use the money to pay the policyholder's final expenses such as funeral costs. You can use the proceeds of the life insurance policy any way you see fit.

By covering funeral related costs the financial burden is removed from the equation and guarantees expenses will be paid without any money coming out of your loved ones' pocket. Those living on a strict budget such as social security or pay check to check would benefit the most of owning a policy.

The average cost of funerals today are higher than $9,000. For just pennies on the dollar, life insurance is affordable for everyone and policies are tailored to fit your individual needs. You can choose a policy as low as $2500 depending on your needs.

To put the cost of life insurance in perspective, anyone who has TV can afford life insurance. If you drive a car, you can afford life insurance. If you have a cell phone, you can afford life insurance. If you have children, you can afford life insurance. The money spent on holidays: candy, meals, gifts, decorations over time are much higher than the cost of life insurance. Are you a smoker? You definitely can afford life insurance.

While the price of food, fuel, utilities increasing and our budgets shrinking, life insurance premium is guaranteed to remain the same. Final expense insurance will give you peace of mind knowing the most expensive bill you are leaving behind for your family will be paid. If you live paycheck to paycheck, chances are your next of kin will be too. Where are they to get the money to pay for death expenses?

Placing that multi-thousand dollar bill on your family could catapult them into financial ruin. Experiencing the death of a loved one is highly emotional. Without a financial plan in place decisions are made that are not exactly how you or your family would have wanted if a plan had been in place initially.

There are many reasons to benefit from owning a life insurance policy. I cannot think of 1 logical reason not to have a policy. The application process takes lesser amount of time than it does to grocery shop or watch a movie. In a just a few minutes you can be qualified and enrolled. Its that simple and that smart.

Smart choices,

Trisha M. Pacenti RN, BSN

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Women and obesity

Obesity, or too much body fat, is a chronic disease that is a health threat for women at every stage of life. Obesity is linked as a contributing factor to serious health conditions. As the prevalence of obesity has grown significantly, obesity has become the second largest cause of preventable death in the United States, following tobacco. Today's children and young adults are on track to mature into the most obese generation in US history, creating pressure on the health care system to deal with fat related disease.

As much as we like fast food, it will cause weight gain. Salts cause water weight gain giving that bloated feeling. Your body will breakdown the fat using what it needs for cellular energy and growth while the rest will be distributed and stored. American obesity has been linked scientifically to the typical American diet that is high in fats, salt and sugar. Sodas and juices are high sugary and acidic drinks. The acid will weaken and strip away tooth enamel. The sugar is empty calories and will essentially cause hunger and crave more sugar.

As women age, our metabolisms slow, hormone levels fluctuate and energy decreases. Lack of regular exercise and a sedentary lifestyle will cause weight gain. If we don't keep our eating habits in check and make the right food choices, packing on the pounds is easy to do. Having the "I just don't care" "I've always been heavy" "I've tried to lose the weight but can't" way of thought is self-defeating. Don't make the possible seem impossible. The first step in losing weight is to believe you can. Otherwise, the lackadaisical attitude will keep you on the merry-go-round of mood changes and health risk. A positive attitude toward food choices and exercise will help maintain a healthy weight.

Unhealthy diets and obesity will lead to:

Obstetric and Gynecologic Complications
Cholecystitis and pancreatitis
Sleep apnea
Type 2 Diabetes (NIDDM)
BReast Cancer
Low back pain, arthritis

Obesity increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and complicates management. The presence of obesity exacerbates metabolic abnormalities of diabetes including hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia and dyslipidemia. Obesity also increases insulin resistance and glucose intolerance.

The risk of developing hypertension and cardiovascular disease is increased with the coexistence of obesity and type 2 diabetes increasing morbidity and mortality. Body weights 20-30% above the ideal have mortality rates 2.5 to 3.3 times higher than for those of normal weight with type 2 diabetes!

Given all the scientific evidence and what we know, the percentage of overweight and obese Americans remains at an all time high. Making healthy food choices, incorporating exercise and living an overall healthy lifestyle is wiser and safer than choosing a life with a high risk health threat.

Good health,

TrIsha M. Pacenti RN, BSN

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Choosing between fiinancial protection vs financial ruin

Why have it?  If you have a family who depends on your paycheck for financial survival, then that is the foremost reason why you should have it. You are protecting your family's financial health after your death. The life insurance proceeds are transferred to your family tax free. The life insurance company you don't like and complain about will suddenly be loved once your family receives their check upon your death.

Your family will be able to pay death related expenses in addition to current and future bills. Life insurance allows you to invest in protection for very little cost. It is the least expensive, value added insurance available. There is no one reason for anyone to go without it. Premiums are low cost and those on a fixed budget can afford it.

Who else should have it? Anyone who is breathing. The need for life insurance is there. Someone will be burdened by the cost of your death. Having a life policy in place, even a low face amount just to cover death related expenses, is sufficient. The time to buy a life policy is now. Today is the youngest and healthiest you will be. Locking in premiums at your current age and before your next birthday, will ensure you are getting the lowest price possible.

The age of discussing death as a taboo topic is over. Procrastinating and denying own mortality is costly to everyone. By failing to prepare you a preparing to fail.

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Human body contmination

What? We live in an industrialized nation. We burn coal. We pour, sprinkle, spray vegetation full of chemicals that end up in our water supply, soil and ultimately foods.  We wear make-up, dye our hair, glue on finger nails, wear sunscreen, perfumes, deodorant, etc.  There’s no denying that we live in a toxic world. There are hundreds of thousands of known chemicals to man and the list continues to grow.  There are unregulated chemicals being used and added to this toxic stew we call home.

Chemicals such as aluminum, copper, mercury and amalgam are found in our bodies. They come from deodorants, cookware, some fish, auto emissions and dental fillings. Chemicals are found in the air we breathe, plastic and canned food containers, home and garden pesticides, dry cleaning detergents, gasoline, etc. Lead is found in higher than ever concentrations in the body even though it was banned almost 50 years ago.
Unfortunately these and other metals such as iron, cadmium and copper are easily absorbed by the body and the brain. Once the metals take up residence in the brain, mental decline may occur such as memory loss, poor focus and concentration, depression, moodiness, poor reasoning skills.
If you are an expectant mother, all foods and liquids you ingest cross the placenta and are absorbed by the fetus. The flavors you eat and drink are taken up by the unborn child. Pay particular attention to the source of the foods and liquids you ingest.  

You can do due diligence by choosing certain foods, vitamins and herbal extracts that draw out or de-toxify the blood. If you are a red meat eater and white carb lover, limit intake to no more than once a week. Lean meat is best. Avoid bacon and sandwich meats. Avoid fried meats.
White carbs are sugar, white rice, pasta, white flour based foods like pretzels, donuts, bagels and chips. Free range chicken and turkey is best. Don’t fry it. Add fish, chicken, eggs up to 3 times a week. Eat fruit, vegetables, olive oils, nuts, whole grains, herbs and spices daily.  

We cannot completely escape these harsh chemicals but we can certainly choose the right foods for a healthier internal environment. To learn more about heavy metal food contamination please visit,
Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

What is whole life insurance?

Whole life insurance is permanent insurance that is guaranteed to last for your entire life. Whole life not only provides a death benefit but also builds up cash value that can be available during your lifetime. If you are sick and laid up, you can withdrawal from the built up cash value while the face amount remains unchanged.

 Benefits of whole life insurance:
·         Cash values
·         Great way to accumulate tax deferred funds
·         Easy access to cash
·         May be used to transfer wealth

The several types of whole life policies are:

Whole life 100
·         Preserve or accumulate wealth
·         Fixed premium to age 100

 Life Paid Up at 65
·         Whole life policy with level premiums payable to age 65
·         Ideal for people who want premiums to end during retirement years
·         Higher accumulated cash value at 65 versus 100

 Life Paid up at 95 is same as for 65.

Single Premium Life
With SPL, you can make a 1 time premium payment to secure a paid up policy providing a guaranteed death benefit.

·         Ideal for those in or approaching retirement years
·         Interest credited immediately upon payment of premium 

There are expenses associated with death. If you believe you have yourself covered with the bare minimum of life insurance you may and chances are, will be leaving outstanding expenses for your family to cover out of their own pocket. Now is your opportunity to make sure you have a well-designed and enough money in your financial portfolio to cover all expenses associated with your death and protect your family from having to dip in any saved up money.

Every individual has their own unique situation. Designing a financial plan is as individual as you are. Consulting with a licensed, experienced representative is the first step in planning a financial protection for you and your family. Consultations are free and information is kept confidential. 

An hour of your time will make the difference between financial ruin and financial protection.

Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Breast cancer awareness

A yearly mammography and monthly self-breast exams are key to breast cancer detection.  According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc., one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetimes. As the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women, it is also the second leading cause of death among them.

Though often thought to be a woman-specific disease, breast cancer also occurs in men. In fact, each year it is estimated that approximately 2,100 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Men who are at high risk for breast cancer may do self-breast exams as well.  If breast cancer runs in your family or you carry the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene, you have higher risk of developing male breast cancer.

Most women with breast cancer have some type of surgery, and for those who undergo partial or full mastectomies may find comfort in options for breast prosthesis afterward.
There are several services available to women who need special bras, camis, swim wear, etc. to help adjust to your new you. Please talk with your doctor about post breast surgery care and options available.

To learn more, please visit

Good health,

Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Benefits of preparedness

Life insurance is the cornerstone of a sound financial plan. Protecting what you value the most is what we naturally do for those we love. It's never too late or too early to protect your family's financial future. Truth is, it is difficult to have discussions on mortality. Reality is, mortality is just as real as the nose on your face. The difficulty of the conversation should not stop you from pre-planning. The time to have these discussions is now when your at your youngest and healthiest.

Pre-planning brings value and sense of security. There is no better feeling knowing that you have laid out a financial plan for your family. The flexibility of life insurance ensures you have enough money available to cover final expenses. The wide range of available products will provide the coverage you need. Another value added benefit at no cost to you or the beneficiary is that the money is federal income tax free.

There is no such thing as one-size fits all life insurance. You have unique needs, goals and responsibilities so you need a life insurance plan that's designed specifically for you. Building a successful life insurance program starts with paying attention to detail and a qualified life insurance representative.

Take time and learn how you can protect what you have worked for and accumulated your whole life. To learn more how life insurance products can help you, contact me  for a consultation. As an experienced representative, I will provide you with a financial needs analysis, review products with you and provide you with an individualized plan that is best to fit your needs.

 Medical and financial events don't wait, why should you?

Smart financial health,

Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN, inc.