Monday, December 9, 2013

Keep your health in check over the holiday season

Holidays are a time to celebrate family, friends...AND food. Tasting a little here and a little there quickly adds calories. Food testing while baking and cooking adds to caloric intake. Taking a little nibble when "no one is looking" adds in the calories. Don't forget the consumption of alcohol. Mixed drinks, wine, beer and yes, even the "girly, pretty colored" drinks all add up to increased caloric intake. By the end of the day or evening you could have easily ingested triple the amount of your regular dietary intake.

With calories, comes increased fat, sodium and carbohydrates. The body will only utilize what is needed and stores the rest as fat. Unused carbohydrates are stored as fat. Excess sodium will hold on to water. In the short time it takes to ingest mass quantities of calories, it will take days or weeks for your body to rid the excess assuming you splurge only once. What you do today determines your health later years.

After food and alcohol is digested the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system is flooded with toxins. A whole cascade of events takes place with a rash of increased enzymatic and hormonal activity. All of which has health consequences. Rather than put your internal organs at risk for disease or illness, just simply avoid over-eating/drinking and keep yourself in check. Eat off smaller plates. If that is not possible, simply give yourself smaller portions. Limit alcohol intake.
Merry Christmas!

Drive safely,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Friday, November 15, 2013

Chronic kidney disease and salt intake

Reducing salt intake provides clear benefits for the heart and kidney health of patients with chronic kidney disease. Excessive salt intake is consistently linked to increased risk of heart disease and worsening kidney function. People with chronic kidney disease (CKD) may be particularly susceptible to salt's detrimental effects due to the kidney's important role in controlling salt balance and their increased risk of dying from heart disease.

Researchers found that on average, low salt intake reduced excess extracellular fluid volume by 1 liter, lowered blood pressure by 10 /4 mm Hg, and halved protein excretion in the urine, without causing significant side effects.

If maintained long-term, this could reduce risk of progression by 30%. Otherwise, progressing to end stage renal disease will require dialysis or transplant. Additionally, research suggests that salt restriction is an inexpensive, low-risk and effective intervention for reducing cardiovascular risk and risk of worsening kidney function in people with CKD.

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN


Monday, October 28, 2013

Eight reasons to have final expense life insurance

Final Expense Insurance is designed to cover death related expenses, including funeral costs. Even if you already have life insurance, it is a good idea to take a separate policy to cover death related expense. Why? The reasons below explain why a separate final expense policy should be part of your estate planning.
The coverage you purchase is not for yourself. It is for the benefit of your beneficiary. 
Final Expense Insurance takes the financial burden off your loved ones during a
highly emotional time.
The face value goes directly to your beneficiary income tax free. This value added benefit allows you to gift money safely without having leaving a tax burden.  
Your beneficiary may use any funeral home you or they select. You have the option to decide to have the insurance check sent directly to your beneficiary or to the funeral home of choice.  
Nursing homes, hospitals, and other creditors cannot access your beneficiary's
By pre-planning, you can decide and communicate how you want your final arrangements handled.   
A final expense policy will provide you and your family financial peace of mind.  
The longer you wait, the older you become the higher the premium cost. The best time to buy a policy is now. You are the youngest and healthiest you will be right now. Once you lock in your monthly premium at your current age, they are guaranteed never to increase.  

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Friday, September 27, 2013

Talking money with kids

Discuss your plans beyond initial retirement years 
There are financial decisions to make as you approach old age, from providing for your care to putting a power of attorney in place in case you are someday no longer able to make your own decisions. Let your kids know your plans so they can help ensure your needs are met and your interests are protected.

Continue financial discussions even when they reach adulthood
When an adult child first moves out, it can be a critical time for his or her finances. Make sure your children are handling things responsibly and not feeling overwhelmed. They may be reluctant to bring up problems themselves, but raising the topic of money casually may ease some of their hesitation.

Discuss financial basis with kids
Teach your high school age kids how to set up a budget and manage a checking account. Also talk to them about credit and the hazards of accumulating too much debt. Many kids this age are naturally cynical, so play to this by explaining how advertising is often geared toward getting people to buy first and ask questions later. 

Demonstrate smart buying
Show that you plan your purchases in advance and look for bargains, rather than buying on impulse. Witnessing that type of restraint may help your children control their own buying impulses.

Have your kids earn what they want:  teaches value 
While it's fine to treat your kids from time to time, don't get in the habit of reflexively buying whatever they ask for. Encourage your kids to set goals and agree on ways to earn what they want. This can help teach the fundamental of work, money and rewards.

Show that you take bills seriously
Even small children will pick up on how you view this responsibility. Discuss how paying bills provides a solid foundation for financial health. By using water and electricity conservatively will help minimize monthly utility cost and allow more money to "play with".

Don’t argue over money in front of the kids
You should avoid arguing in front of your children. Money is known to be one of the leading areas of tension in relationships. Instead, try to display the ways you and your spouse practice cooperation.
Lifetime gift
With tight budgets for working families and high expenses for senior care, not everyone is going to leave an inheritance to the kids. But there is one thing of value you can be sure to hand down: a good set of money skills. The federal Head Start program says that by age 5, kids have already started to observe money in action. It’s never too early to teach responsibility. 

Good health, 
Trisha M. Pacenti RN, BSN › Parents › Money

Friday, September 13, 2013

How will your family pay for your final expenses?

Accidents can happen at any given moment. Cancer diagnosis are on the rise. Illness and accidents can change your life in a split second. Are you financially prepared to meet the increasing costs of health care and funeral expenses? The importance of preparing will provide peace of mind knowing there is a plan in place. Life insurance will cover the unpredictable and high expenses associated with end of life issues.

The time to buy life insurance is now. Today you are healthiest you will be. You are buying a financial plan that will provide asset protection for your family. You are providing the finances needed to pay for final expenses generated by death. The world is nothing without free will. Everything must be carefully considered when financial stability is brought into question. It is whether you are willing to take those risks and use your individual situation to your own advantage.

We all have heard the tragic stories happening to people who experienced a sudden loss of a loved one and no life insurance was in force. The survivors are left with a major financial burden and many unanswered questions. Having a suitable plan in place will help your loved ones meet current financial obligations. Life insurance provides financial protection for them. You cannot be faulted for preparation.

It is important to do your research and decide which type of life insurance is suitable for you.  Each of us has our own situation that is different from our neighbors and friends. Only you know what goes on in your household. Keep in mind, what may be best for someone else does not necessarily mean that is the best thing for you. Which is why YOUR needs must considered when purchasing a policy.

So, why have life insurance? Just a couple reasons:

Reason 1

Do you have any bills, a mortgage? This alone is a pertinent reason to have life insurance. This major bill will be paid off and not left to your survivors to deal with.

Reason 2

Young, fit and healthy? Then this is the best time to get life insurance. Your premium will be affordable and if you take out a policy that allows you to keep the same premium until the age of 65, you will have considerable savings... the earlier you start, the better. And then if you develop any health issues throughout your life, it doesn't matter, because you already have the policy in force.

Reason 3

Are you married? Do you have a domestic partner? Should you parish and leave no money behind to help cover bills, you now just placed a heavy financial burden on your loved ones. Do you want to put them through added financial stress on top of the emotional turmoil caused by your death?

Reason 4.

Peace of mind. If you develop a terminal illness, your life insurance will pay out a lump sum upon confirmation from your treating physician. You will have the money to help get your affairs in order.

Having life insurance is a small piece of the pie to make sure you and the future of your family are fully protected.

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Failure to plan could be disasterous

Given the morbid topic of death, it not uncommon that many people die without having any estate plan in place. Death is certain. Death does not wait. It will happen. The only question is when. And no one has a definitive answer.

Yet, many people consciously refuse to speak seriously about the subject of their own mortality.  Death is just as natural as birth. Death is part of life. It is the last chapter. Science has advanced to prolong life but it has not evolved in advancement to prevent death. Since death is an event that will happen, one of the wisest decisions to make is to have a financial plan in place to cover death related expenses, left over medical expenses and help your family maintain a healthy financial status. 
People avoid conversations about death based on fear. Fear of leaving life as he/she knows it.  They put off talking about death until another day. Another day goes by, another month goes by and another year goes by and that same people who said they would talk about tomorrow still has does not have a plan in place. Keep in mind, tomorrow will be here but maybe your tomorrow will be too late.
Accidents and cardiovascular events can occur anytime and are the #1 killer of Americans.
You are the healthiest and youngest you are today. This is the time to get covered. Insurance premiums are based upon and health and age. Once you start a plan, your monthly premiums are guaranteed to remain the same for the rest of your life. Financially speaking, it makes good penny wise sense to start a policy today. Without a financial plan in place, the people you are hurting are yourself and those left behind. Simple, but painfully true. 
The reasons to pre-plan are many and reasonable. Be pro-active and give peace of mind to yourself and family. Pre-planning takes all the dizzying questions away. Ensure your final wishes are carried out. You can remove the burden from family simple by having a final expense plan in place. 

The planning process is easy and takes 30 minutes of your time. As a comparison, it takes you more time to grocery shop. You walk to your car, drive the grocery store, find a place to park, walk up to the doors, get a cart, proceed up and down the isles passing other shoppers along the way, search for your items, walk to the cashier, wait in line, unload your cart, place your items on the belt, have her scan each one, pay, place in bag, walk to your car, unload and push the shopping cart to the cart return, walk back to your car, put the key in the ignition then navigate your way through traffic in hopes you get home safely. Park and make frequent trips to and from the car and finally put your groceries away. WEW! Then do it all over again in a week or two.

Estate planning is simple and done in one easy step. Be pro-active and enroll while your the youngest and healthiest today.

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Life insurance protects your family

When you are buying life insurance, make sure you know what type it is and how the policy is structured. What is the difference between term and whole life?

Term insurance ends at term. If you outlive the end of term insurance, all the premium you paid for the last 10 or 20 years is gone. It does not build cash value. You do not receive premium paid in.  It does not renew. You must go through the application process again.  This time 10 or 20 years older and at higher premium. One of the deciding factors of premium is age. The older you are the higher the premium. If you outlive your term insurance even 1 month past when the term is up, too bad. If you don't have another policy in place, then you have no life insurance to cover funeral expenses and other death related expenses. The financial burden will placed upon family members left behind.

The final expense programs Monumental Life offers are guaranteed that premium will never change and will provide funds to your survivors when they need it most as long as premiums are up to date. Monumental Life offers whole life policies. Whole life policies build cash value and outlive you. At the time of your death, the policy comes alive and provides the monies necessary to cover funeral and other death related expenses. Additionally, whole life policies offer living benefits.

Beware of programs that have a decreasing death benefit. While premiums typically remain unchanged, the amount of coverage you leave your loved ones can be drastically reduced. The final expense programs Monumental Life offers have guaranteed death benefit that will never decrease.

Beware of companies that have association fees. They will market guaranteed premium programs disguised with other fees. The life insurance premium rate is guaranteed but the association fees can increase at the company's discretion. The final expense programs offered by Monumental Life have no association fees. Therefore, the rates will never increase.

Does your current life insurance cover you for both accident and illness? If your death is caused by illness and your life insurance is accident only, your family will not collect the death benefit from that policy.

Monumental Life offers programs that cover both accident and illness. There is no waiting period and coverage begins after the first month's premium is collected. Death does not wait until you are ready. Be prepared and be completely covered. The application process is quick and easy. You are at your healthiest and youngest you will ever be. Now is the time to start the application process and financially protect your loved ones. 

Please visit www.monlife  to learn more about our company.

Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Saturday, July 13, 2013

What does life insurance do? Simply put: provide peace of mind

You and I have similar purposes in the world. It is your job to provide food and shelter for your loved ones. Out of your hard earned money, will come the cost of my upkeep. A small price to pay to keep me alive. You may think I am worthless or a joke to you, but someday, you and I will trade places. When you are no longer alive, I will step up and become the provider to your loved ones.

Through me, your hard work will carry on. If ever you think I am a monthly cost burden, think of the financial protection I will provide for your family when you are no longer here on earth. When your income stops, I will take over. When your income stops, your family will be financially protected through me. Your family will thank you over again for having me in place.

Life does not wait for convenience.  Be prepared and make me part of your family.

Your life insurance policy

Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Expenses will be incurred at your time of death: NO ONE IS IMMUNE

Final expense insurance is life insurance with a specific need. Final expenses largely make up funeral expenses. Your funeral is the very last expense you will incur. Having the money readily available to your family is part of estate planning. Final expense programs are estate planning.

Today you are in the best of health you will be. Purchasing now will qualify you for the best rate available at your current age. Life insurance is the least expensive insurance and offers the most value added benefit. If you are on a fixed income, chances are your beneficiary is too. Life insurance is protecting the beneficiary from financial catastrophe.
Life insurance is different than pre-need plans offered by funeral homes. Case scenario:  you purchase a life insurance policy with a face value of $10,000.  After only 1 premium payment, you become a victim of a fatal car accident or suffer a fatal cardiac arrest. The full value of $10,000 is available immediately to your beneficiary. The policy you took out in your estate planning is ready to be put to work. You have protected your beneficiary from facing a financial crisis.
Now, lets look at a pre-need plan. During your meeting with your funeral director he sells you a $10,000 pre-need plan with a monthly premium of $54.00. After only 1 premium payment you become a victim in a fatal car accident or suffer a sudden cardiac arrest. Your beneficiary is now responsible for paying $9,946.00 plus interest. If your family is cash strapped, where will that money come from? If you have outstanding bills that need to be paid, where will your beneficiary get that money? You have created a full financial crisis for your loved ones that they may never financially recover from. 

Procrastinating just adds to higher premium payments and not being prepared. Death does not wait. It is going to happen.  Funeral expenses are at an all time high and are expected to increase. Say you have enough money in the bank to cover a $10,000 funeral bill. In the interim, you suffer from a debilitating car accident or a mild heart attack. Your major medical insurance will pay the doctor and hospital, but you will have co-pays, prescription, fuel and household bills to pay. If you are on a limited income, you will burn through that $10,000 bank account. Leaving you with not enough money to pay funeral expenses when the time comes. By proscratinating, you have gained nothing. 

Estate planning is simple and easy to do. Just take the time and do it.

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Obesity gets a new diagnosis: It's a disease

The American Medical Association voted to recognize the condition impacting one in three Americans as a disease.

One in three American adults has a new disease diagnosis, whether they know it or not, because the American Medical Association has voted to formally classify obesity as a disease.

To read this article in it's entirety, please visit

Related: What's driving America's obesity epidemic?

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Monday, June 17, 2013

Why we need life insurance

Final expense life insurance is designed for a specific need. The face value of a life insurance policy is paid to the policyholder's beneficiaries at the time of death. In most cases, the money is received by the beneficiaries on a tax-free basis, and no additional fees need to be paid. The beneficiaries can use the money to pay the policyholder's final expenses such as funeral costs.

By covering funeral related costs the financial burden is removed from the equation and guarantees expenses will be paid without any money coming out of your loved ones' pocket. The average cost of funerals today are higher than $9,000. For just pennies on the dollar, life insurance is affordable for everyone.

To put the cost of life insurance in perspective, anyone who has cable or satellite TV your paying more for entertainment than you would for life insurance. If you have a car payment you have car insurance, those costs are higher than that of life insurance. If you have a cell phone, your monthly phone charge is higher than that of life insurance. The money spent on holidays: candy, meals, gifts, decorations over time are much higher than the cost of life insurance.

With the cost of living increasing and our budgets shrinking, life insurance is proven to be the financial comfort needed the most. If you are an individual who is on a fixed budget and living paycheck to paycheck, chances are your next-of-kin will be. Placing that multi-thousand dollar bill on your family could catapult them into financial ruin. Experiencing the death of a loved one is highly emotional. Worrying about how to pay for the funeral and end of life costs should not take precedence. Without a financial plan in place decisions are made that are not exactly how you or your family would have wanted if a plan had been in place.

There are many reasons to benefit from owning a life insurance policy but not 1 reason not to have a policy. The application process takes lesser amount of time than it does to grocery shop. In a just a few minutes you can be qualified and enrolled. Coverage begins after 1 monthly premium.

Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Monday, June 3, 2013

Why do people smoke?

Smoking is linked to more deaths than any other disease in the world. When a "drag" from the cigarette is taken, toxins are immediately absorbed through oral mucosa then headed directly to into the bloodstream.  Inhaled cigarette smoke goes to the lungs where it displaces the oxygen molecule and leaves residue behind. This smoke is made up of 4,000 chemicals including cyanide, benzene, ammonia and carbon monoxide. These toxins in turn deprive cells the much needed oxygen to nourish, maintain and  grow new cells.  Smoking harms nearly every organ of your body and diminishes your overall health.

Here are some reasons smokers have given me for why they smoke.

"I know of a guy who smoked for 50 years and they never had a health issue." My response: How do you know what their health status is? Are you a doctor? Are you in the medical exam room with the person? This does not mean you will be as lucky.  And what does that person's choice have to do with your life?

"Smoking helps me cope, it's a habit."  Response:  Learn healthy ways of coping.  When your routine calls for a cigarette, do something different. Go for a walk. Take up a hobby. Meditate. Read.
"I'm not ready to quite." "I will quite the first of the month." Response: Why procrastinate? Quit now. What is so special about the first of the month? Each cigarette you smoke you are increasing risk of cardiovascular and respiratory events. Stroke, high blood pressure, heart attack, asthma, chronic bronchitis, respiratory disease. The first of the month sounds like fun! In all essence, your not serious about quitting smoking your just buying 30 more days of your love with smoking. And when the first of the month arrives, so does another excuse and another scratch of the match. 

"Smoking keeps weight off." FACT: No it does not. You are not eating as much because your sense of taste is dulled. Your taste buds are layered with tobacco resin.

"I smoke to be social." Response: You are caving in to peer pressure. Try this. Be courageous and not follow what everyone does. You can be social just by being there.
"I have an addictive personality." "I have stress in my life ." Response:  Everyone has stress in his/her life. No one is stress free. We learn healthy ways to cope with the stress in our lives. By adding smoking to the mix of an already stressed internal body environment, only makes the effects of smoking worse. Go for therapy.

 People living with mental illness have a higher rate of smoking than those without mental illness. If you are taking anti-depressants, this enough should make you want to quit. Speak with your mental health professional about the effects of smoking and taking MAO inhibitors.

"Smoking makes me feel good." Response: Smoking releases "feel good hormones" because you are doing something that you believe makes you feel good. The harsh reality is these "feel good" hormones are causing harm. Your body has become physiologically addicted to nicotine.
This addiction will cause fatigue and illness.

"I'm having money problems. Smoking helps me cope." Response: Again. Learn new coping skills. If money is tight and the health effects of smoking don't interest you, then stop misappropriating  funds.  Simple economics dictates if your financially strapped, re-allocate funds to the necessities in life. Learn to make your dollar work and spend wisely. If you are a pack a day smoker of an off-brand cigarette, your monthly cost is approximately $166.00. Double that for more than one pack a day. Branded cigarettes are costing you $224.00. Double that respectively for more than 1 pack a day.  If you quite smoking, you will soon see the hundred dollar bills. Economics 101!

"I'm going to die anyway, so why should I quit." "Smoking is not the reason I'm on oxygen and take steroids to help me breath. Having a smoke helps me."  Response: True. You are going to die. So why quicken it? What is it about a healthy lifestyle that turns you off?  On what scientific rationale eluded you to this conclusion?

Bottom line, you must want to quit. Anything else is just an excuse to keep smoking.  Switching to a smokeless or chew product will not eliminate your risk of smoking-related diseases. There is no safe tobacco product. You have a choice. Only you can make it happen. Playing the blame game fools yourself. Not those around you. To those around you, you look the fool.

With all the literature on the side effects of smoking available, common sense tells you to quite smoking. This information is easily found at your fingertips, in front of your eyes and spoken from your doctor.

Be informed. Be educated. Be smart.

Take the first step to a smoke free life. Call your doctor, visit and Only you are in control of your life.

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Affordable Health Care Act...affordability TBD

The Affordable Health Care Act also known as Obama Care is now law. Health care reform is to help all. If you are one those people who has no health care coverage because you can't afford it, you will be mandated to get coverage by Janurary1, 2014. If you do not have coverage by that date you will be fined at tax season. You will soon find yourself under a mountain of debt imposed by the US government if you choose to go without insurance. If you are already in a financial bind, the smart thing to do is to find health care due diligence.. and re-allocate funds to help pay your way. The fines will continue to increase during the times you are not covered. Ask yourself, do you want to pay monetary fines from your own pocket and give it to the US government or do you want to be pro-active and accountable for your own health and finances and get health care coverage?

While insurance premiums continue to increase at a faster rate than personal earnings, one of the provisions of Obama Care includes reforms such as reducing the amount by which insurance companies can increase their premiums. Insurance companies can easily hide those fees in other benefits of the policy such as increasing co-pays, limiting office visits and/or decreasing benefit coverage.

Additionally, radiological facilities that offer CT scans, X-rays and MRI's will collect their fee from you first before rendering services. So will outpatient laboratories. They will do this if you have not met your calendar year deductible and/or the benefit coverage you have is significantly limited. This can quickly add up to thousands of dollars coming out of your pocket. Need to be admitted to the hospital? You will receive a bill from multiple sources above and beyond what the insurance will accept. If coverage is thin now for you, a financial catastrophe from medical bills is sure to come. 

If you decide to follow through with a medical treatment plan your physician prescribes and you lack coverage...YES... you are financially responsible for making payment. If you choose not to pay health care bills, your credit will be ruined. Where will the money come from? A coin jar in the local coffee shop? Health care in the US is expensive and continues to increase in cost. Someone somewhere along the way pays for someone else. When the wallet is pinched, nothing more can be squeezed out.

While laws are complicated to understand as are insurance policies, take time to learn all you can to protect yourself. Everyone will benefit when you take measures to financially protect yourself.

Visit to learn more about the timeline, read the law, review and compare  insurance policies in the marketplace.

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Monday, May 13, 2013

Life Insurance: know what your buying

When you are buying life insurance, make sure you know what type it is and how the policy is structured. What is the difference between term and whole life?

 Term insurance ends at term. If you outlive the end of term insurance, all the premium you paid for the last 10 or 20 years is gone. It does not build cash value. You do not receive premium paid in.  It does not renew. You must go through the application process again.  This time 10 or 20 years older and at higher premium. One of the deciding factors of premium is age. The older you are the higher the premium. If you outlive your term insurance even 1 month past when the term is up, too bad. If you don't have another policy in place, then you have no life insurance to cover funeral expenses and other death related expenses. The financial burden will placed upon family members left behind.

The final expense programs Monumental Life offers are guaranteed that premium will never change and will provide funds to your survivors when they need it most as long as premiums are up to date. Monumental Life offers whole life policies. Whole life policies build cash value and outlive you. At the time of your death, the policy comes alive and provides the monies necessary to cover funeral and other death related expenses. Additionally, whole life policies offer living benefits.

Beware of programs that have a decreasing death benefit. While premiums typically remain unchanged, the amount of coverage you leave your loved ones can be drastically reduced. The final expense programs Monumental Life offers have guaranteed death benefit that will never decrease.

Beware of companies that have association fees. They will market guaranteed premium programs disguised with other fees. The life insurance premium rate is guaranteed but the association fees can increase at the company's discretion. The final expense programs offered by Monumental Life have no association fees. Therefore, the rates will never increase.

Does your current life insurance cover you for both accident and illness? If your death is caused by illness and your life insurance is accident only, your family will not collect the death benefit from that policy.

Monumental Life offers programs that cover both accident and illness. There is no waiting period and coverage begins after the first month's premium is collected. Death does not wait until you are ready. Be prepared and be completely covered. The application process is quick and easy. You are at your healthiest and youngest you will ever be. Now is the time to start the application process and financially protect your loved ones. 

Please visit www.monlife  to learn more about our company.

Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Cardiac Ablation

Ablation uses a catheter inserted through a vein in the groin which is then guided through the vasculature to the area of problematic cardiac tissue. At this point, radiographic frequency is used to destroy the tissue that are causing electrical disturbances {arrhythmias}.

There are many risks associated with ablation. Such as bleeding, sudden cardiac arrest, damage to the heart's electrical system, blood clots leading to stroke or heart attack, narrowing of the vein and kidney damage from the dyes used in the procedure. Therefore, it is not the first line of treatment. Typically, the physician must have used less invasive treatment options first to correct the arrhythmia. Patients who have not responded to cardiac medication or who have had serious side effects from the medications are candidates for ablation. For these patients, ablation will be the next treatment option.

Cardiac ablation may take up to 6 hours to complete. Procedural complications may make the procedure run longer. It is important to make lifestyle changes post-procedure to keep your heart healthy. Avoid caffeine. Decrease sodium intake. Exercise. Lose weight. Eat heart healthy foods. Quite smoking. Continue to take medications as prescribed. You have just been given a lease on life.

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a soapy, greasy material found in your body and in foods such as egg yolks, cheese and meats. Cholesterol is also made by your liver. It is an important substance that is used by your body to help make hormones and bile. Bile is needed to help digest food. When there is too much cholesterol in the blood, it begins to build up on the inside of your blood vessels thereby making them narrow and blocking the flow of blood. This is one cause of increased blood pressure.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists risk factors of high cholesterol. Unhealthy eating habits. Eating a high fat diet on a regular basis will not only increase bad cholesterol levels but will cause increased weight. An unhealthy diet will cause known chronic illness problems.

Genetic factors. If you are genetically prone to have increased cholesterol levels, it is all more important you limit the amount of cholesterol ingested. Smoking. There are thousands of medical study material that link smoking to chronic illness. Smoking has been scientifically proven that it is a root cause for many catastrophic illness.
There is no scientific data stating smoking is healthy.
Medications. There are certain medications that will elevate cholesterol levels. It is wise to discuss treatment plans with your doctor. Be pro-active. Prepare a list of well thought out questions prior to seeing your doctor.

Get your blood cholesterol level checked annually. More often if your doctor requests to. Blood contains different types of lipids, also known as blood fats. Your doctor will will be able to get a general idea of your risk of cardiovascular disease by comparing the different levels of fats. The lipid panel consists of total cholesterol, LDL (bad cholesterol), HDL (good cholesterol) and triglycerides.

We know we cannot change intrinsic factors. But we can change extrinsic factors.
You are the catalyst to change. First and foremost change bad dietary habits. Choose fish, lean meats, chicken. Choose grilling and broiling over frying. Cook with olive oil instead of butter. Avoid trans fats found in chips, cookies, fries. Increase fiber. Choose whole grain and brown rice over white rice and white breads. Choose foods high in Vitamins B, C, and E. Found in green leafy vegetables, fruits and carrots, sweet potatoes, etc. Nutrition plays an important role in staying healthy or in some case staying unhealthy.

Exercise regularly. Exercising is very simple and easy to do. Simply incorporate 30 minutes everyday into your activities of daily living. Walk. Bike. Jog. Hike. Swim. Aerobic dance. Walk stairs. Run in place. Do whatever physical activity you enjoy. The idea here is strengthen your heart. The above listed do not require expensive gym memberships. Stop smoking. Keep alcohol comsumption moderate. Limit yourself to 1-2 alcoholic drinks per day. Bottom line, when it comes to keeping your heart healthy, why so many excuses?

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The value of life insurance

Final expense life insurance is designed for a specific need. The face value of a life insurance policy is paid to the policyholder's beneficiaries at the time of death. In most cases, the money is received by the beneficiaries on a tax-free basis, and no additional fees need to be paid. The beneficiaries can use the money to pay the policyholder's final expenses such as funeral costs.

By covering funeral related costs the financial burden is removed from the equation and guarantees expenses will be paid without any money coming out of your loved ones' pocket. The average cost of funerals today are higher than $9,000. For just pennies on the dollar, life insurance is affordable for everyone.

To put the cost of life insurance in perspective, anyone who has cable or satellite TV your paying more for entertainment than you would for life insurance. If you have a car payment you have car insurance, those costs are higher than that of life insurance. If you have a cell phone, your monthly phone charge is higher than that of life insurance. The money spent on holidays: candy, meals, gifts, decorations over time are much higher than the cost of life insurance.

With the price of food, fuel, utilities increasing and our budgets shrinking, life insurance is proven to be the financial comfort needed the most. If you are an individual who is on a fixed budget and living paycheck to paycheck, chances are your next-of-kin will be. Placing that multi-thousand dollar bill on your family could catapult them into financial ruin. Experiencing the death of a loved one is highly emotional. Worrying about how to pay for the funeral and end of life costs should not take precedence. Without a financial plan in place decisions are made that are not exactly how you or your family would have wanted if a plan had been in place.

There are many reasons to benefit from owning a life insurance policy but not 1 reason not to have a policy. The application process takes lesser amount of time than it does to grocery shop. In a just a few minutes you can be qualified and enrolled. Coverage begins after 1 monthly premium.

Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Blood sugar and Diabetes Type 2

Some of the foods we ingest get converted to a type of sugar called glucose. The glucose then enters the bloodstream and is carried to all parts of the body. This is called  blood sugar. Insulin is produced by the pancreas. Insulin is a necessary vehicle to drive blood sugar i.e. glucose into the cells. Every cell in the human body must have glucose to properly function.

Diabetes develops when the body cannot produce enough insulin. An imbalance between glucose and insulin occurs. The abundance of glucose circulating in the blood stream deprives the cells throughout the body of much needed glucose. When this occurs, you become at risk for illnesses related to diabetes such as but not limited to neuropathy, high blood pressure, proteinuria and vision problems.

The increased levels of glucose in the blood stream clogs the smaller vessels and nerves. It is this "clog" that diminishes pain signals to the brain. It is important for diabetics to check their feet regularly as they are at risk for ulcers. The delicate blood vessels in the eyes may become damaged by glucose clogs.

Type 2 diabetes may be controlled through a diabetic diet and exercise on a daily and consistent basis. Taking oral medications in addition to diet and exercise will help maintain proper blood sugar levels. Take control of your diabetes. Call your doctor any time you notice changes in your health.

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN, BSN

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Winter weather and your health

Why is it important to dress accordingly? Simply wearing a hat on your head will keep you warm as most of your body heat escapes through the top of your head. Cold air is an irritant to mucous linings. When cold air irritates the mucous lining there is an increase of mucus secretion. Runny nose and phlegm are the result of an irritated mucous lining. This compromise within the mucous lining places you at risk for lower and upper respiratory illness.

Cold air also constricts the blood vessels. When blood vessels constrict, the heart will beat harder and faster to maintain blood flow throughout the body. As a result blood pressure increases, a blood clot may form and the risk for stroke increases. This can be devastating to individuals who have a cardiac history, such as high blood pressure or cardiac stents. Diabetics are also vulnerable to cold air crisis'. Blood vessels in diabetes are damaged due to the break down of the interior lining of the blood vessel wall. People with asthma are at risk. The bronchial tree in asthma is irritated and inflamed with increased fluid production. The sudden swallow of cold air could trigger a respiratory constriction.

Going from a warm home to the cold outside is just enough to create a health problem. The sudden extreme flip-flop in temperature is a shock to the human body. Dress to prevent cold air health crisis.

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN, BSN

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Life insurance: a must have for everyone

Final expense life insurance is designed for a specific need. The face value of a life insurance policy is paid to the policyholder's beneficiary at the time of death. In most cases, the money is received by the beneficiary on a tax-free basis, and no additional fees need to be paid. The beneficiary can use the money to pay the policyholder's final expenses such as funeral costs.

By covering funeral related costs the financial burden is removed from the equation and guarantees expenses will be paid without any money coming out of your loved ones' pocket. The average cost of funerals today are higher than $9,000. For just pennies on the dollar, life insurance is affordable for everyone.

To put the cost of life insurance in perspective, anyone who has TV can afford life insurance. If you drive a car, you can afford life insurance. If you have a cell phone, you can afford life insurance. If you have children, you can afford life insurance. The money spent on holidays: candy, meals, gifts, decorations over time are much higher than the cost of life insurance. Are you a smoker? If yes, you can afford life insurance.

While the price of food, fuel, utilities increasing and our budgets shrinking, life insurance premium is guaranteed to remain the same. Final expense insurance will give you peace of mind knowing the most expensive bill you are leaving behind for your family will be paid. If you live paycheck to paycheck, chances are your next of kin will be too. Where are they to get the money to pay for death expenses?

Placing that multi-thousand dollar bill on your family could catapult them into financial ruin. Experiencing the death of a loved one is highly emotional. Without a financial plan in place decisions are made that are not exactly how you or your family would have wanted if a plan had been in place initially.

There are many reasons to benefit from owning a life insurance policy. I cannot think of 1 logical reason not to have a policy. The application process takes lesser amount of time than it does to grocery shop or watch a movie. In a just a few minutes you can be qualified and enrolled. Its that simple and that smart.

So why aren't you covered?

Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Prevent passing disease causing germs..IT'S EASY

The winter season has officially begun. With that in mind, so is flu and cold season. If you have been vaccinated by the flu vaccine, you may still contract the flu virus but suffer lesser symptoms. The flu and cold virus have a strong exterior membrane that allows the virus to survive for a long period of time on dry surfaces and still be virulent enough to cause illness.

The first and proven line of defense of preventing the spread of germs is to simply wash your hands.  To ensure you have washed the germs from your hands sing the "Happy Birthday" song. In the time it takes to sing the song you will have thoroughly cleansed your hands. Remember to scrub under the fingernails.

Our hands pick up any germs the skin comes in contact with; an object or handshake. By touching any surface with your hands you have now picked up micro-organisms  lining the surface of that object. Your eyes, mouth, and nose are lined with fragile mucous membranes. They are an easy way for microbes to enter the human body and cause infection. Mucous membranes are like a dry sponge soaking up water. The microbes I am referring to are viruses and bacterium.

The power behind the human sneeze has been recorded at greater than 100 mph.  An uncovered sneeze can propel mucus membranes saturated with disease causing germs clear across a room. The ventilation within the room will aid in further spreading of the mucous membranes and microbes.  Any one around will then be exposed to your germs. Either by inhalation or by touching an object the germs has settled upon.

Always, always cover your sneeze with your the bend of your arm: sneezing into your elbow.

Be cognizant of your actions. Wash your hands frequently. Carry hand sanitizer. Cover your cough. Cover your sneeze. Practicing these very simple acts of hygiene will keep yourself and fellow human  counterparts healthy!

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN, inc.