Saturday, December 8, 2012

Final Expense Insurance is Estate Planning

Final expense insurance is life insurance with a specific need. Final expenses largely make up funeral expenses. Your funeral is the very last expense you will incur. Having the money readily available to your family is part of estate planning. Final expense programs are estate planning.

Today you are in the best of health you will be. Purchasing now will qualify you for the best rate available at your current age. Life insurance is the least expensive insurance and offers the most value added benefit. If you are on a fixed income, chances are your beneficiary is too. Life insurance is protecting the beneficiary from financial catastrophe.
Life insurance is different than pre-need plans offered by funeral homes. Case scenario:  you purchase a life insurance policy with a face value of $10,000.  After only 1 premium payment, you become a victim of a fatal car accident or suffer a fatal cardiac arrest. The full value of $10,000 is available immediately to your beneficiary. The policy you took out in your estate planning is ready to be put to work. You have protected your beneficiary from facing a financial crisis.
Now, lets look at a pre-need plan. During your meeting with your funeral director he sells you a $10,000 pre-need plan with a monthly premium of $54.00. After only 1 premium payment you become a victim in a fatal car accident or suffer a sudden cardiac arrest. Your beneficiary is now responsible for paying $9,946.00 plus interest. If your family is cash strapped, where will that money come from? If you have outstanding bills that need to be paid, where will your beneficiary get that money? You have created a full financial crisis for your loved ones that they may never financially recover from. 

Procrastinating just adds to higher premium payments and not being prepared. Death does not wait. It is going to happen.  Funeral expenses are at an all time high and are expected to increase. Say you have enough money in the bank to cover a $10,000 funeral bill. In the interim, you suffer from a debilitating car accident or a mild heart attack. Your major medical insurance will pay the doctor and hospital, but you will have co-pays, prescription, fuel and household bills to pay. If you are on a limited income, you will burn through that $10,000 bank account. Leaving you with not enough money to pay funeral expenses when the time comes. By proscratinating, you have gained nothing. 

Estate planning is simple and easy to do. Just take the time and do it.

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Holiday over eating

Holidays are a time to celebrate family and friends...AND food. Tasting a little here and a little there quickly adds calories. Food testing while baking and cooking adds to caloric intake. Taking a little nibble when "no one is looking" adds in the calories. Don't forget the consumption of alcohol. Mixed drinks, wine, beer and yes, even the "girly, pretty colored" drinks all add up to increased caloric intake. By the end of the day or evening you could have easily ingested triple the amount of your regular dietary intake.

With calories, comes increased fat, sodium and carbohydrates. The body will only utilize what is needed and stores the rest as fat. Unused carbohydrates are stored as fat. Excess sodium will hold on to water. In the short time it takes to ingest mass quantities of calories, it will take days or weeks for your body to rid the excess assuming you splurge only once.

After food and alcohol is digested the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system is flooded with toxins. A whole cascade of events takes place with a rash of increased enzymatic and hormonal activity. All of which has health consequences. Rather than put your internal organs at risk for disease or illness, just simply avoid over-eating/drinking and keep yourself in check. Eat off smaller plates. If that is not possible, simply give yourself smaller portions. Limit alcohol intake.

What you do today determines your health later.

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Reason to have Final Expense Insurance

Final expense life insurance is designed for a specific need. The face value of a life insurance policy is paid to the policyholder's beneficiary at the time of death. In most cases, the money is received by the beneficiary on a tax-free basis, and no additional fees need to be paid. The beneficiary can use the money to pay the policyholder's final expenses such as funeral costs.

By covering funeral related costs the financial burden is removed from the equation and guarantees expenses will be paid without any money coming out of your loved ones' pocket. The average cost of funerals today are higher than $9,000. For just pennies on the dollar, life insurance is affordable for everyone.

To put the cost of life insurance in perspective, anyone who has cable or satellite TV your paying more for entertainment than you would for life insurance. If you have a car payment you have car insurance, those costs are higher than that of life insurance. If you have a cell phone, your monthly phone charge is higher than that of life insurance premium. The money spent on holidays: candy, meals, gifts, decorations over time are much higher than the cost of life insurance.

While the price of food, fuel, utilities increasing and our budgets shrinking, life insurance premium is guaranteed to remain the same. Final expense insurance will give you peace of mind knowing the most expensive bill you are leaving behind for your family will be paid. If you are an individual who is on a fixed budget and living paycheck to paycheck, chances are your next of kin will be too.

Placing that multi-thousand dollar bill on your family could catapult them into financial ruin. Experiencing the death of a loved one is highly emotional. Without a financial plan in place decisions are made that are not exactly how you or your family would have wanted if a plan had been in place initially.

There are many reasons to benefit from owning a life insurance policy but not 1 reason not to have a policy. The application process takes lesser amount of time than it does to grocery shop. In a just a few minutes you can be qualified and enrolled. Coverage begins after 1 monthly premium.

Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Monday, October 1, 2012

The value of life insurance

Final expense life insurance is designed for a specific need. The face value of a life insurance policy is paid to the policyholder's beneficiaries at the time of death. In most cases, the money is received by the beneficiaries on a tax-free basis, and no additional fees need to be paid. The beneficiaries can use the money to pay the policyholder's final expenses such as funeral costs.

By covering funeral related costs the financial burden is removed from the equation and guarantees expenses will be paid without any money coming out of your loved ones' pocket. The average cost of funerals today are higher than $9,000. For just pennies on the dollar, life insurance is affordable for everyone.

To put the cost of life insurance in perspective, anyone who has cable or satellite TV your paying more for entertainment than you would for life insurance. If you have a car payment you have car insurance, those costs are higher than that of life insurance. If you have a cell phone, your monthly phone charge is higher than that of life insurance. The money spent on holidays: candy, meals, gifts, decorations over time are much higher than the cost of life insurance.

With the price of food, fuel, utilities increasing and our budgets shrinking, life insurance is proven to be the financial comfort needed the most. If you are an individual who is on a fixed budget and living paycheck to paycheck, chances are your next-of-kin will be. Placing that multi-thousand dollar bill on your family could catapult them into financial ruin. Experiencing the death of a loved one is highly emotional. Worrying about how to pay for the funeral and end of life costs should not take precedence. Without a financial plan in place decisions are made that are not exactly how you or your family would have wanted if a plan had been in place.

There are many reasons to benefit from owning a life insurance policy but not 1 reason not to have a policy. The application process takes lesser amount of time than it does to grocery shop. In a just a few minutes you can be qualified and enrolled. Coverage begins after 1 monthly premium.

Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Disease of the Endocrine System

The endocrine system is composed of glands which secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream. These hormones play a key role in regulating cellular growth and development and organ function. Hormones also play an instrumental role in regulating mood, appetite and metabolism, sexual and reproductive function and tissue function.

Cushing's Syndrome is one example of endocrine disease. Cushing's is caused by an excess of glucocorticoids. Excess secretions of mineralocorticoids and androgens may cause Cushing's.
The adrenal cortex is affected and typically shows up on CAT scan as enlarged. The cortex is the layer of tissue that surrounds the adrenal glands which sit atop the kidneys and is responsible for secreting the mineralocorticoids and androgens.

The signs and symptoms of Cushing's spread throughout the body. The tell tale signs of Cushing's are increased fat layer of the face, neck and trunk and a purple striae on the skin. Also, feeling of fatigue, muscle weakness, water retention, decreased libido, irritability, thinning hair, acne, thin extremities, high blood pressure and delayed wound healing.

Treatment plans include radiation, drug therapy, or removal of the adrenal glands. In which case, steroids must be taken lifelong. People who have Cushing's must wear a medical identification bracelet and carry a list of prescribed medication.

Always discuss any health issues you may be experiencing with your doctor at your annual physical examination.

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Monday, July 23, 2012

Health Insurance: careful not to use it

A medical record is kept on you each time you visit a medical facility. The date, physician seen, diagnosis, what symptoms brought you in and what treatment was administered. This medical record follows you. At the time of insurance application, the questions asked of you are both historical in nature and current. If you answer yes to a knock-out question, you are denied of health insurance.

Health care discussion between the political parties is an on-going debate.  Each side believes they have the answer to our health care crisis. Each side believes their plan is better than the other. The carefully constructed health care plan is typed on the computer and printed out on clean white paper. They speak about their plan standing behind a podium patting themselves on the back for delivering a great speech hearing their own voice.  Looks good sounds good so it must be the answer. Right?
The reality is the health care rule continues to dig a hole that widens and deepens with each passing year. Take a look at individual health insurance policies. The people who hold them are self-employed or work for an employer who does not offer insurance. They begin their search for insurance carriers who write health insurance for individuals. Then chose a coverage plan that best fits their needs and finances. Incidentally, individual policies are much more costly, rated-up and health profile scrutinized. For this reason, policy premium is high and policy quality may be weak. The risk is not spread out as it is with employer issued group policies.
The ideal person for an individual policy is one without any ill-toward health conditions. The medical profile the insurance company expects a person to have is an ideal weight and height ratio, normo-tensive, non-diabetic, no spinal/muscular problems, no kidney stones, no  meds etc. In other words, a very clean internal organ system. That is fantasy. We are human and develop health issues, some conditions beyond our control.  
A person who lives a healthy lifestyle by eating right, exercising, doesn’t smoke or drink and develops a health issue, the insurance company doesn’t care. You are penalized for having a pre-existing condition. Doesn’t matter if you are asymptomatic and no treatment plan is in effect, you will be penalized. If you were in a vehicle accident and suffered minor or no injuries, you are penalized. The penalty is higher premiums, exclusions, longer waiting periods, limited coverage or no coverage on related condition, no coverage at all, lack of coverage.
When you change insurance companies, your medical record is part of the equation for determining your risk and premium cost. If a pre-existing condition requires radiological testing or phlebotomy draws, the insurance company will deny the claim. If an illness develops which can be traced back the very health condition that is excluded from the policy, the insurance company reserves the right to deny the claim.
After all, this is health insurance. The whole point of health insurance is to insure the safety, quality of health and prolong life. Insurance plans enable you to take extra care of your health. This is in part, because when you do routine physical examinations and you are responsible for a nominal sum to get check-ups rather than pay the actual fee, you would not tend to skip these tests.  Health insurance gives psychological and financial relief that medical expenses will be paid. 
Preventative care is the front line to keeping us healthy and helping us to avoid trips to the emergency room. Preventative care is much less expensive than treatment for chronic conditions that could have been avoided with routine wellness checks.  
Under individual policies the reality of the situation is that if it is used, your premium is guaranteed to increase. Although, legally you cannot be singled out for premium increase. The insurance companies provide reasons that are easily hidden and clouded by: rising cost of health care, administrative costs, a class increase and or there is something in your medical history. Aside from your annual wellness checks, be wise in your decision when paying a visit to your doctor. 
The American political system is attempting to re-structure the health care rule. However, what they are proposing is not the answer. Americans will continue to jump through hoops to have access to medical care, long term policy affordability:  not just 1 or 2 years of pocket-friendly premiums but long term affordability and the struggle with dictation from the insurance companies that tell us who, what, when and where.
Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Friday, July 13, 2012

Women's Health: Pap Test

What is a pap smear? The test is named after founder, Dr. George Papanicolaou. It is called a smear because your OB/GYN will take a scraping of the inner and outer area of the cervix and smear the cells on a microscopic slide. The cervix is the lower section of the uterus. All women should get a yearly pap test after their first menstrual cycle or after their first experience of having vaginal sex.

Women who have had a total hysterectomy do not undergo pap smears since the cervix has been removed. However, she is to continue with her pelvic examination. Those women who have had a partial hysterectomy are to continue with yearly paps as the cervix is left in place.

Women who are 70 years of age or older may discontinue the pap test if in the prior 10 years the results have been normal and continue with the pelvic examination.

When you make your appointment for your pap test, there are a few things to keep in mind so your doctor can get accurate cervical tissue sampling. For 2 days before a pap test DO NOT:
1. have sexual intercourse
2. douche
3. insert any medicated birth control, creams or lubrication into the vagina
4. sit in a bath or spa
Doing any of the above could possible skew the results of the test.

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How to spot health scams

Health scams are also called health fraud. Many people are fooled into buying health products that sound so good they are immediately drawn into the product. Many don't do research into the product to verify if the claims have any truth behind them. As a result, money is spent on a poor quality product that may potentially cause illness.

Some products that are "miracle cures" claim to treat or cure different illness such as diabetes, cancer, arthritis. There are no "miracle cures" on the market. There is no one pill that can cure such chronic illness. There are no FDA regulated drugs that hold a claim "miracle cure". Taking such medication may cause a potentially harmful interaction with other medication you are taking. 

We hear quite a bit about all natural products. Just because it is all natural does not mean it is safe. The flower Belladonna is natural. But if ingested in it's natural state is deadly. The flower has pharmacologic benefits such as atropine which is used in modern day medicine. Mushrooms are natural. But some species are poisonous if ingested in their natural state. If your taking in any all natural products for the first time, do you due diligence and make sure it is safe for YOU to take.
Your neighbor, friend, cousin or uncle may not have had any ill-toward side-effects toward a  product does not mean it is safe for you.  Always check with your doctor about your individual situation.

There are weight loss products that claim to be all natural and you will lose weight while you sleep and guaranteed to be effective. These are false claims. Again, there is no one pill that will drop the weight and keep it off. Always check with your doctor if you are deciding on a weight loss program. Know your health numbers and get a baseline physical.

Don't take the risk with your health or money because of guaranteed claims or personal success stories. Health fraud is very real. If it sounds too good to be true, know that it is false!

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

The FDA defines health fraud as the deceptive promotion, advertising or sale of a product represented as being effective to prevent, diagnose, treat, cure or lessen an illness or condition, or provide another beneficial effect on health, but has not been scientifically proven safe and effective for such purposes.


Monday, June 4, 2012

Colon Cancer: 3rd leading cause of death

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the United States. The American Cancer Society's most recent estimates for the number of colorectal cancer cases in the United States are for 2012:
  • 103,170 new cases of colon cancer
  • 40,290 new cases of rectal cancer
Overall, the lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer is about 1 in 20 (5.1%). This risk is slightly lower in women than in men.

What's more of an inconvenience? A colonoscopy? or Colon cancer?

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


GERD is an acronym for gastroesophageal reflux disease. Commonly known as heartburn, is the back flow of gastric or duodenal contents or both into the esophagus. Reflux may cause symptoms or pathological changes. Persistent reflux can cause reflux ulcerations within the esophagus.

Normally gastric contents don't back up into the esophagus because the esophageal sphincter has enough pressure to keep the opening closed. Reflux occurs when pressure in the stomach exceeds the the sphincter pressure. When this happens, contents in the stomach regurgitate into the esophagus.

Tomatoes, chocolate, coffee, OJ, soda and milk, smoking, alcohol, certain medication, hernias, or any condition or position that increases intra-abdominal pressure or decrease esophageal sphincter pressure will cause GERD.

In order to understand and to effectively treat GERD, you must first know why you have it. Talk w/ your doctor about current medications. Perhaps dietary changes are needed. Eat meals 3 hours before lying down. Remain in an upright position after eating. Avoid activities that increase intra-abdominal pressure. Refrain from alcohol, fatty foods and cigarettes. If you take an antacid, avoid taking it with your other medications because the antacid will decrease other medication absorption.

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Life Insurance: know what your buying

When you are buying life insurance, make sure you know what type it is and how the policy is structured. If you have life insurance in force, make sure it is not disguised as term insurance.

Term insurance ends at term. If you outlive the end of term insurance, all the premium you paid for the last 10 or 20 years is gone. It does not build cash value. It does not renew. You must go through the application process again. One of the deciding factors of premium is age. The older you are the higher the premium. If you pass away when your term insurance is no longer in force, you have no insurance to pay for final expenses. Your family will be financially burdened by the high cost of death related expenses.

The final expense programs Monumental Life offers are guaranteed that premium will never change and will provide funds to your survivors when they need it most as long as premiums are up to date.

Beware of programs that have a decreasing death benefit. While premiums typically remain unchanged, the amount of coverage you leave your loved ones can be drastically reduced. The final expense programs Monumental Life offers have guaranteed death benefit that will never decrease.

Beware of companies that have association fees. They will market guaranteed premium programs disguised with other fees. The life insurance premium rate is guaranteed but the association fees can increase at the company's discretion. The final expense programs offered by Monumental Life have no association fees. Therefore, the rates will never increase.

Does your current life insurance cover you for both accident and illness? If your death is caused by illness and your life insurance is accident only, your family will collect the death benefit from that policy.

Monumental Life offers programs that cover both accident and illness. There is no waiting period and coverage begins after the first month's premium is collected. Death does not wait until you are ready. Be prepared and be completely covered. The application process is easy and quick. The turn around time for coverage is up to 2 weeks with an average of 5 business days. Life insurance is the 2nd largest purchase in life but is is the most important purchase in life.

Monumental Life offers quality products that will be there when it is needed the most. 

Visit my website for additional information. I look forward to getting you covered.

Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Monday, April 30, 2012

Economic Cost of Obesity in America

The following link is a must read article on obesity posted on The article focuses on the economic impact society endures due to the widening of America's waistline.

Genetics does a play a role in your weight. If "weight heaviness" runs in your family, you are prone to easily put on weight. In which case, it is absolutely essential you choose the right the foods and incorporate exercise in your daily routine. You cannot change genetics but you can change and control what foods, when and the amount you ingest. You cannot medicate your way to an ideal weight nor is there surgery to keep off added weight. It is your lifestyle and your perception of food that needs to change. Obesity is not be taken light heartily. Obesity poses serious health threats and effects everyone.

Make the healthy and smart choice.

Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Obesity in Women

Obesity, or too much body fat, is a chronic disease that is a health threat for women at every stage of life. Obesity is linked as a contributing factor to serious health conditions. As the prevalence of obesity has grown significantly, obesity has become the second largest cause of preventable death in the United States, following tobacco. Today's children and young adults are on track to mature into the most obese generation in US history, creating pressure on the health care system to deal with fat related disease.

As much as we like fast food, it will cause weight gain. Salts cause water weight gain giving that bloated feeling. Your body will breakdown the fat using what it needs for cellular energy and growth while the rest will be distributed and stored. American obesity has been linked scientifically to the typical American diet that is high in fats, salt and sugar. Sodas and juices are high sugary and acidic drinks. The acid will weaken and strip away tooth enamel. The sugar is empty calories and will essentially cause hunger and crave more sugar.

As women age, our metabolisms slow, hormone levels fluctuate and energy decreases. Lack of regular exercise and a sedentary lifestyle will cause weight gain. If we don't keep our eating habits in check and make the right food choices, packing on the pounds is easy to do. Having the "I just don't care" "I've always been heavy" "I've tried to lose the weight but can't" way of thought is self-defeating. Don't make the possible seem impossible. The first step in losing weight is to believe you can. Otherwise, the lackadaisical attitude will keep you on the merry-go-round of mood changes and health risk. A positive attitude toward food choices and exercise will help maintain a healthy weight.

Unhealthy diets and obesity will lead to:

  • Obstetric and Gynecologic Complications
  • Cholecystitis and pancreatitis
  • Sleep apnea
  • Stroke
  • Surgical complications and longer recovery times
  • Type 2 Diabetes (NIDDM)
  • Urinary Stress Incontinence
  • Breast Cancer
  • Low back pain, arthritis
      Obesity increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and complicates management. The presence of obesity exacerbates metabolic abnormalities of diabetes including hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia and dyslipidemia. Obesity also increases insulin resistance and glucose intolerance.

The risk of developing hypertension and cardiovascular disease is increased with the coexistence of obesity and type 2 diabetes increasing morbidity and mortality. Body weights 20-30% above the ideal have mortality rates 2.5 to 3.3 times higher than for those of normal weight with type 2 diabetes!

Given all the scientific evidence and what we know, the percentage of overweight and obese Americans remains at an all time high. Making healthy food choices, incorporating exercise and living an overall healthy lifestyle is wiser and safer than choosing a life with a high risk health threat.

Good Health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Sunday, April 1, 2012

What constitutes domestic abuse?

Domestic abuse is more common than you think. Abuse in relationships is at an all time  high. If any of the following pertains to your individual situation or you know someone who is involved in a violent relationship, please seek help with the appropriate authorities. Regardless of where the violence is coming from, a man or a woman, in a marriage or not, there is no room for violence in a relationship.

Making excuses for the perpetrator only prolongs and exacerbates the situation making for a miserable existence and changing outside relationships.

The following are situations you should be asking yourself to learn if you are in a abusive relationship. If you answer yes and can identify to any of the following, you are in a abusive relationship.

Does your partner: smash things, destroy property, make threats, steal, act like a "master", act like everything is OK even while living in a tense atmosphere, make you feel unsafe when asleep, shift responsibility and make it seem like "you must.....or else", control what you do, who you talk to, where you go and demand to know what your talking about, limit your outside involvement with friends, create arguments/confrontations when friends come by to visit, keep you apart from family or friends, basically cutting you off from the outside world and just "allowing you" to work to make money for him or her.

Does your partner: put you down privately or publicly, make you feel bad about yourself, call you names, humiliate you in front of others, use children to make you feel guilty, place demands and have high expectations from you.

Physical abuse and emotional abuse will pull the victim down to the point where they feel they must stay in the relationship because there is nothing else for him or her. They stay in the abusive relationship out of fear or intimidation and convince themselves this is what "love" is about. The confusion the victim lives in day to day takes over the rationale and logical side of thought unable to make clear rational decisions. He or she begins to believe that it is "everyone else" who has the problem and they fail to make the distinction that the problem is coming for their partner. The very same person who claims to "love" him or her.

The victim must remember that their life is important and that a relationship is not based upon lies, threats, confrontation and just plain ugliness. The perpetrator can say a million "sorries" and make it up by trying to work on their issues and make things better. But the bottom line is they have the problem. He or she is suffering from a psychological disorder that must be professionally diagnosed and treated.

If you answered yes to any of the above and you believe you a victim in a abusive relationship, take the appropriate steps to safe guard yourself. Seek help from the authorities, family, friends. Remove yourself from the sickly situation. Work on getting your emotional strength back and regain control of  your life.

Contact the National Domestic Abuse Hotline:

1-800-799-SAFE (7233), or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY) or (206) 787-3224 (Video Phone Only for Deaf Callers).

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti, RN,BSN

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rosacea: the red mask

Rosacea is a chronic skin eruption that produces flushing and dilation of the small blood vessels in the face. Rosacea is most noticeable around the nose and cheeks. It is most common in Caucasian women age 30 to 50. Rosacea spreads slowly and rarely subsides on its own. The exact cause of rosacea is unknown, stress, infection, vitamin deficiency, menopause and endocrine disease can aggravate the condition. Spicy foods. physical activity which causes sweating, hot drinks such as tea, coffee, and alcohol may aggravate rosacea producing flushing.

Steps you can follow to decrease the amount and length of eruptions: You must identify and eliminate aggravating factors that bring upon stress. Use meticulous hand washing and personal hygiene to avoid irritating the condition. Do not pick or squeeze the lesions. Wear sunscreen and protect the face in winter conditions as cold air will aggravate rosacea. If you wear make up foundation, consider using green or yellow tinted pre-foundation and powders because they are designed to counter skin redness. Apply topical medication as directed by your physician. Be sure the medication is applied first and dried before applying any make up or sunscreen to your face.

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Why should I buy Final Expense Insurance?

No one knows when a loved will die. You can take steps now to pre-plan your funeral and have enough money to cover final expenses. The best insurance policy to have in place is the one that will cover the high costs associated with end of life expenses. The average person lives pay check to pay check with very little in savings. The average person has 3 months worth of savings. If a loved one dies, your savings will vanish to cover funeral home and hospital costs. Chances are, that won't be enough. Additionally, there will be no money left over should another financial emergency arise. The financial hardship you are now facing may be catastrophic. It only takes 1 life event to start a sequence of events towards bankruptcy. 

The cost of a final expense policy pales in comparison to the cost of your monthly TV bill. The value of a final expense policy goes unmatched. Smart financial planning has all the benefits without disadvantages. Setting aside monthly payments and investing in your final expenses will give you peace of mind knowing your last and final bill will paid by you. Having a life policy in place will take away the financial burden left on your loved ones. You will be saving your family from having to ask friends, other family members, or even the bank for a loan to cover your final expenses.

The following individual circumstances are examples for owning a final expense policy.
~anyone who recently retired
~planning to retire
~currently collecting social security
~recently had a child or grandchild
~recently lost a loved one
~recently purchased a home
Final expense face values may be written up to $25,000. These are specialized policies with a specific need: to cover funeral costs and associated expenses. They will build cash value for the life of the policy. The are mobile and go where you go. The policy may be used at any funeral home in any state. Premiums do not go up and are based at current age of application. You are entitled to the full face value should you perish even after 1 monthly payment.

Think about all the things you buy in life to full fill immediate gratification. Then consider, "was that something I could live without?, what benefit does it serve?" Life insurance is there to pay your final expense and protect the financial health of your loved ones. The policy will prove to be more valuable than anything else.

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Friday, February 24, 2012

Final Expense Insurance

Burial insurance, also known as final expense insurance is life insurance with a specific need: to cover funeral expenses. Policy face amounts typically start at $6,000.00 and can be written up to $25,000.00. Face amounts are customized to your needs. At the time of application, you can decide what is best for you and the face amount may be adjusted accordingly. Your policy will cover the extra incidental expenses associated with funerals. Typically, those incidental expenses are not considered until it is too late.

Final expense insurance is not just-in-case insurance as with health insurance, auto insurance, flood insurance, etc. Death is the final chapter in life. We don't know when death will call upon us. The likelihood of death happening is 100%. Preplanning alleviates loved ones of having to make difficult decisions or to face financial concerns during a very emotional time.

If you just don't want to think about death and have not come to terms about your own mortality, here is something to consider. Throughout your life you earn a modest wage to provide food, clothing, shelter and medicine for yourself and family. The cost of living has increased, you want to cut corners and consider not buying any more insurance. You might think it is burdensome. You might think it is worthless to you. When the day your life ceases to exist, your policy will come alive and get to work. Through your policy, your final expenses will be paid. Your policy will take away financial concerns. Your pre-planned policy will give you peace of mind and avoid any financial burden for those left behind.

Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Adding fiber to your diet is more important than you think

Almost everyone hears about the need for enough fiber in the diet. But few people understand the importance of dietary fiber - or where to get it. Fiber has the greatest influence on the digestion process.

Fiber is a virtually indigestible substance that is found mainly in the outer layers of plants. Fiber is a special type of carbohydrate that passes through the digestive system with minimal break down. 

Fiber helps contribute to a feeling of being full, which in turn can help prevent obesity from overeating. Obesity is the most common form of malnutrition and is a factor in the two major causes of death - heart disease and cancers. So any food that helps people limit calories is beneficial.

Fiber can decrease the limit of food intake because the contents in the stomach are bulkier and stay there longer. Additionally, fiber slows digestion and absorption so that glucose in food enters the bloodstream more slowly. This is turn keeps blood sugar on a more even level. When fiber is broken down within the large intestine by bacteria, simple organic acids are produced which helps to nourish the lining of the colon.

Increased gas is a common side effect of high-fiber diets. The production of gas is a by-product of fiber digestion. Fiber binds to water and keeps the water within the intestine. The fiber/water combination adds bulk and softens the stool.

Insoluble fiber cannot be dissolved in water. This is a preferred laxative to relieve constipation. Soluble fiber is made up of simple carbohydrates and it dissolves in water. Soluble fiber helps to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Sources of fiber are found in bran, barley cereals, whole grain breads, beans, fruits and vegetables.

The bottom line, adding foods high in fiber will maintain a healthy colon, aid in digestion, lower risk of heart disease and colon cancer and help maintain a healthy weight. If you are unsure about how much daily intake of fiber should be or what foods are best for you, discuss this with your doctor.

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN, BSN

Friday, January 27, 2012

Mental Health: depression

Depression and anxiety are examples of mood changes. A mood is a "persuasive and sustained emotion that, in the extreme, markedly colors the perception of the world". (APA 1994)
Rational thought is usually absent from the mind during a state of depression. A condition of helpless stupor replaces cognitive abilities. Most people experience a normal lowering of mood in response to stressful life events. They are able to work through the crisis and begin feeling "better" prior to the depressed state.

Those who cannot pull themselves out of the depressed state are effected in ways that rational behavior is replaced by explosive outbursts, impairment of social situations, anxiety, increased sleep or lack there of, etc. It is then that medical treatment must intervene either with or both, medication and counseling. Depression left untreated will cause other mental illness problems such as bi-polar disorder, personality disorders, chronic depression, etc., in addition to physical health care issues.

Emotional disturbance is a product of irrational or illogical thinking.  According to cognitive therapist, Dr. Aaron T. Beck of the Beck Institue of Cognitive Behavior Therapy, he found that "depressed persons process information in negative ways even in the midst of positive factors affecting the person's life". Dr. Beck believes 3 automatic negative thoughts are responsible for people becoming depressed. These 3 thoughts are called Beck's cognitive triad:
     1. a negative, self-depreciating view
     2. a pessimistic view of the world
     3. belief that negative reinforcement or no validation for the self will continue in the future

These automatic negative thoughts refer to thoughts that are repetitive and not readliy controllable. These thoughts continually validate the overall view of negativity towards self and others. A depressed person sees the world as gray. Facial expressions relfect sadness and dejection and often look older than acutal age. Therapy will help you reset your pattern of negative thinking into a more positive healthy one. 

To make matters worse, emotional abuse may be a factor to depression. Characteristics of an abuser are but not limited to:
     1. a sense of being valued and cared for never develops
     2. tremendous needs for love and security are left unfulfilled.
     3. others are sought to fill the void for love and acceptance
 When these unrealistic demands go unmet, feelings of rejection and anger are mobilized. Rage and poor impulse control are then projected in public or private view within the home. Conflict Intervention in Socail and Domestic Violence. Bowie, MD: Robert J. Brady Company, 1981.

Mental health issues are very real and very serious. The importance of getting the proper intervention to your specific illness is essential for overall general health. Mental health illness takes time to treat and may last over a lifetime. You may find yourself trying several types of different anti-depressants until you and your physician see a significant improvement in your disorder. The medication treatment regime can be taxing until you find the right prescription drug that benefits you. Discuss mood changes, eating alterations, behavior changes, bowel or bladder changes with your physician at each follow up visit.

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Specialty life insurance with a specific need

Burial insurance, also known as final expense insurance is life insurance with a specific need: to cover funeral expenses. Policy face amounts typically start at $6,000.00 and can be written up to $25,000.00. Face amounts are customized to your needs. At the time of application, you can decide what is best for you and the face amount may be adjusted accordingly. Your policy will cover the extra incidental expenses associated with funerals. Typically, those incidental expenses are not considered until it is too late.

Final expense insurance is not just-in-case insurance as with health insurance, auto insurance, flood insurance, etc. Death is the final chapter in life. We don't know when it will call upon us. The likelihood of death happening is 100%. Preplanning alleviates loved ones of having to make difficult decisions or to face financial concerns during a very emotional time.

If you just don't want to think about death and have not come to terms about your own mortality, here is something to consider. Throughout your life you earn a modest wage to provide food, clothing, shelter and medicine for yourself and family. The cost of living has increased, you want to cut corners and consider not buying any more insurance. You might think it is burdensome. You might think it is worthless to you. Some day when your life ceases to exist, your policy will come alive and get to work. Through your policy, your final expenses will be paid. Your policy will take away financial concerns. Your preplanned policy will give your family financial peace of mind.

Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN

Friday, January 6, 2012

How a herniated disk develops

Also known as a slipped disk occurs when all or part of the inter vertebral disk's gel-like center extrudes through the disk's weakened or torn outer ring. The pressure on spinal nerve roots or on the spinal cord itself causes back pain and other symptoms of nerve root irritation. Most herniations  affect the lumbosacral spine. The most common site is the L4-L5 disk space.

Lumbar herniation usually develops mostly in men vs. women. They are the result from severe trauma or strain or may be related to joint degeneration. Signs and symptoms to watch out for are:
  1. Severe low back pain which may radiate to buttocks, legs, feet and typically is one-sided
  2. Sudden pain after trauma, subsiding in a few days and then recurring at shorter intervals w/ intensity
  3. Sensory and motor loss in the area where compression has taken place, leg weakness
The gel like center of the disk acts as a shock absorber distributing the mechanical stress applied to the spine when the body moves. Physical stress is usually a twisting motion which will cause the gel like center to tear or rupture allowing the tissue to push through into the spinal canal. This process allows the vertebrae to move closer together as the disk compresses. This, in turn, causes pressure on the nerve roots. This pressure is what the individual experiences as pain.

There are several treatment options:
  1. Bed rest w/ possibly pelvic traction, heat and ice application, passive exercise
  2. NSAIDS and muscle relaxants to reduce inflammation and edema at the injured site
  3. Surgical options
Which ever treatment plan your doctor prescribes for you, it is best to follow his/her advice and rest your low back as much as possible heeding caution to avoid additional external stress on your lumbar region. Give yourself adequate time to recover. Chances of re-injuring the site are great once your in the healing stages.

Good health,
Trisha M. Pacenti RN,BSN, inc.